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aos-cube需要2.7版本的python,具体选2.7哪一个版本并不是很关键. 2.2 创建一个环境名称为aos的conda环境 在终端运行以下命令. conda create --name aos python=2.7.15. 创建环境的过程中会让你确认该环境所需软件包,输入y后按回车就可以了。 若要安装 WSL 扩展,将需要 1.35 的发行 版本或更高版本 VS Code。 In order to install the Remote-WSL extension, you will need the 1.35 May release version or later of VS Code. 建议不要在不使用 WSL 扩展的 VS Code 中使用 WSL,因为将失去对自动完成、调试、linting 等的支持。 近来开始学习OpenGL,编译环境采用的是MinGW64(推荐大家使用此版本,因为该版本既可以编译64位又能够编译32位程序)。才刚开始做第一个例子时,就卡壳了。 此外,也可以下载好压缩包,然后在规定目录下解压进行安装,该方法适用于gcc-4.1.2等老版本. 安装特定版本的gfortran编译器. 1.安装默认版本的gfortran $ sudo apt-get install gfortran. 2.安装特定版本的gfortran $ sudo apt-get install gfortran-5 gfortran-5-multilib. 3.设置优先级 如果你使用Terminator作为Arch的默认终端,而且在Visual Studio Code中遇到一个错误Unable to launch debugger worker process (vsdbg) through the terminal. spawn truecolor ENOENT,可以换另一个终端(比如, gnome-terminal )供Visual Studio Code使用。 VSCode终端字体设置问题解决方案问题新下载的vscode终端中字体很是奇怪,感觉每个字母之间都有空格。如下图所示:解决方案打开设置-用户-功能-终端,找到Font Family输入monospace这是code自带的等宽字体,挺好看的,就用了。


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Ruby代码可以通用的执行在苹果系统和Windows系统中,一套代码到处使用! 由众多爱好者共同维护的 Ruby 中文社区,本站使用 Homeland 构建,并采用 Docker 部署。 28.05.2020 You have the choice between copy and paste, drag and drop a Ruby file or directly type in the "Ruby code" online editor below. You can see the user guide to help you to use this Ruby checker tool. User guide. How to check Ruby code syntax: First, Drag and drop your Ruby file or copy / paste your Ruby text directly into the editor above. Finally, you must click on "Check Ruby syntax" button to



笔记完结 Delbert 本身都不是个程序员,因此是给不了什么建议的,只能摘抄了。 30.06.2019 Play around with Ruby programs. In the Playground you can try any Ruby code you like. The Ruby documentation is included. [database] ctrpf ar cheat codes to be used with ctrpf with action replay support - isharingan/ctrpf-ar-cheat-codes A quick search on Google or Stack Overflow provides you with a confusing amount of tool choices to debug your Ruby code. I’ve listed the most popular debuggers below: Vim Ruby Debugger; Pry; Built-in Ruby Debugger; Core Ruby API—logging the state using puts and inspect; Which debugging tool you choose depends on the problem you’re trying to solve and your personal preference. For a solo Protect YOUR Ruby Code The RubyEncoder protects Ruby scripts by compiling Ruby source code into a bytecode format and this is followed by encryption. This protects your scripts from reverse engineering. Ruby scripts protected with RubyEncoder can be executed but cannot be used to extract Ruby source code as there is no source code remaining within the protected script in any form. Simple

Git 是目前最流行的原始码版本控制软体终端机里输入指令: brew install git 十、安装Rails 开发框架在终端机输入: gem install rails -v 5.0.0 (后面的参数是指定版本,预设会抓最新版。) 到官方网址下载iTerm:http://www.iterm2.com/ 十五、设置MAC终端命令行下用atom、sublime、vscode打开文件或  Extension for Visual Studio Code - Synchronize all of your VSCode settings 请注意,下载配置时会覆盖您的本地配置(以云端为准,精确同步); 通过这个配置项,您可以 排除特定的VSCode 扩展 ,以防它们被同步。

You can run Ruby code in AWS Lambda. Lambda provides runtimes for Ruby that run your code to process events. Your code runs in an environment that includes the AWS SDK for Ruby, with credentials from an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that you manage. This is actually fairly easy once you follow the right steps. First, you have to download Ruby Extension which is available on vs code marketplace or simply via Extension tab in VS code itself: just search for Ruby, install it, and reload VS Code [update: vscode can perfectly load new extensions without needing a reload]. secondly, you have to follow the debugging guide for this extension

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